Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 3 of Classes

Well the semester is rolling along now. After three weeks the students are settled in, I have deciphered their handwritten emails and phone numbers (lol), explained my expectations of them, and what their expectations should be of me.

The main course I teach is “Substance Abuse & Co-Occurring Disorders.” For a class of 55 (initially it was supposed to be 30-35) they are attentive and hopefully learning there is more to addiction than, ‘just don’t drink, get a sponsor, and go to meetings’ for those with co-occurring disorders.

I am NOT knocking 12 Step programs by any stretch of the imagination. Many dual-diagnosed people (myself included) initially found their sobriety in the traditional 12 Step programs and continue to utilize these as their base of recovery.

However, usually they are not enough in and of themselves. Dual Recovery Anonymous and Depression Bipolar Support Alliance meetings, one to one therapy, exercise, nutrition, and medication on a CASE by CASE basis if warranted. These can help to bridge the gap found more often than not between addiction and other mental health issues.

This fall I am teaching four courses, working days full-time in a Partial Hospitalization Program, expanding my private practice, working on getting my website up, finishing a book, etc., etc., etc.

Due to my hectic schedule it is more important than ever to stay vigilant regarding exercise and nutrition. I try to hit the gym every two days (preferable is every other day). When this is not possible I will at do at least a hundred push-ups (sets of twenty) and crunches during lunchtime in my office at work. Before classes I will take a nice twenty minute to half an hour walk around the campus. At UMASS-Boston this means down by Dorchester Bay; the smell of the ocean, IPod on with some classical music playing. I need to find those down moments even with a heavy schedule.

Hey, if I am not taking care of me, how can I realistically help others to help themselves? Otherwise, is that not the old “Do as I say, not as I do” philosophy?
Not really healthy, huh?

In the spring I am working towards presenting nationally on ‘Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders: 'A Clinical & Personal Perspective.' When I talk with addiction counselors from around the country I am amazed how many of them have never had any education on the co-occurring disorder piece. This to me is pretty scary.

Since my trip “Down East” to Nova Scotia this year with my wife I have been, and will continue to make time, for “Down Time.” Being with all her relatives and enjoying the way of life there I cannot wait to go back.

I am planning now for a couple of trips down there; one in the spring and then one in the summer. Also in the works may be a trip to Quebec City (Attention Sue, lol).

Today I am feeling fortunate and blessed; a family that loves and cares about each other, friends that can count on me as I can on them, and an ever expanding career.

Not too shabby, lol.

Peace, Out…for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Etc..... Taking care of my lil sister. Lol
Your the best !!!