Friday, August 3, 2012

Thoughts from the Summah so Fahhh

Let’s see, another legislative session ended at the State House in Boston on July 31st and once again, LADC-I’s were not granted vendorship rights (third party billing).

I guess since the overdose deaths dropped to under 600 people last year, why would the Commonwealth want the people they license as addiction specialists, to join the other disciplines in the battle against overdose deaths. Only makes sense, right?

Many of my former students recently took the CADC exam. Congratulations to those that passed and to those that did not, try to not become disheartened. Many of you are discussing the formation of study groups before the next exam. Please let me know how I can help out. I am a firm believer that once a person completes a class with me, my obligation does not end there.

Some of you may have noticed that I never talk about where I work Monday through Friday.

I can’t. We were required by the company to sign a corporate agreement several months ago whereby we can never discuss where we work in any form of “social media.” It said something about dismemberment if we did.

That’s too bad. We do some wonderful work (patient’s comments; although I would not disagree with them, lol). The people I work with are tremendous. I would mention them by name, but, you know, I can’t.

I was thinking the other day if you had told me twenty-six years ago where I would be at this point of my life, I would have laughed at you. Amazing what a ‘little’ sobriety will do for a person.

Vacation time for my wife and I be here shortly; the last week in August. Usually we head Down East to Maine. This year we will go farther Down East to my wife’s family homestead in Nova Scotia. It has been way too long. A couple of good books, taking walks on country roads, having “Lobster Nova Scotia” (lobster stuffed with lobster), basically ‘kicking back.’ The environment is one that mentally ‘slams’ on the brakes for you.

I have been getting my course materials ready for the fall. I will be teaching four courses so like a good boy scout, ‘I will be prepared.’

I love teaching. Those of us that teach should be life-long students. Nothing worse than a tenured teacher that has been running with the same syllabus for twenty-years (ah, information changes or gets updated).

There are several projects I have been working on and this fall should see several of them come to fruition. Several career moves will be coming up in September also.

I am back into hard-core workouts again; hour and a-half on the trend-mill on an incline (pulsing 140-150) then crunches, then lifting (every other day). I also do 100 push-ups everyday (first set 40, then sets of 10 until I reach 100).

Well, that’s it for now. Later tonight I will be writing a story about an inpatient patient I had once that went a rampage until I injected a little levity into the situation.

As my oldest son would say,

Peace, Out

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