Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thoughts on ‘Things’ I Find Maddening!

Many of you are aware of my “past life" as a comedy writer and stand-up comedian. My wife (of thirty-two years) occasionally reminds me when my comedic ego arises that “if you were that funny…you would still be doing it.”

Nice, real nice, lol. I hate her brutal honesty (not really).

I find it maddening when people say, “Have a nice day!” As George Carlin said, to paraphrase, ‘Maybe I have had ten nice days in a row and I just want to have a shitty one.’ Please, allow me to be in the space I am in, all right? It is up to me to determine what kind of a day I want to have. Am I not entitled to have the kind of day "I want?"

I find it maddening when I have to interact with people that are always ‘cheery.’ Everything is always “Wonderful!” In the meantime their house just burned down, a family member has an incurable disease, and they just learned that their son has a drug addiction. Ah, reality check please.

Jesus, what medication(s) are you on? I’ll have to contact my primary care physician that had sixteen hours in medical school on mental health and ‘get me some of that!’

If people do not want me to, or allow me to experience true sadness including downer days, how can I experience “True” happiness? Not the ‘plastic’ variety that our society often espouses as being correct & proper.

I find it maddening when the first question out of a patient’s mouth is, “How do I get on suboxone and SSDI/SSI?” On the same note, when patients are talking amongst themselves, coaching newbies on how to go about this, ‘you need to do this, this, and this.’ Then to compound this further, they brag about how they work under the ‘table’ to really maximize their profits!

I can remember when these ‘benefits’ were viewed as a temporary state of being and once a person had their substance abuse and mental health issues in order they would ‘get-off’ SSI or SSDI. It seems like this does not occur all that often anymore. Maddening, truly maddening.

I find it maddening when I see all the motivational books offered out there emphasizing how ‘their method’ is the answer to achieve “Happiness!” Especially a certain ‘Dr. DWD. If you know who I am talking about then you have probably bought one of his books; hence, making him really, really, happy (good work, lol).

Reminds me of all the “Self-help” books out there. To paraphrase another comedian, Steven Wright; ‘if you are into self-help, why would you feel the need to buy a book on self-help from SOMEONE ELSE?’

I find it maddening when people look at their therapist as almost a ‘status symbol.’ “Hey how long have you been seeing your therapist?” For ten years now. “Ten years, what are you working on?” Oh, nothing really, I just go there to talk about my week. “Talk about your week? What, you don’t have any close friends you could talk with?” Nice.

I find it maddening when people look down on alcoholics, addicts, and those with other mental health issues; well, until it is about one of their loved ones and their attitude suddenly changes to one of ‘caring.’

I find it maddening when people try to proselytize others to their religion and concept of “God.” I suggest they read Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,’ or, “The Power of Myth.” Then we can have dialogue. A person made the mistake the other day to ask me if, “I have found Jesus?” Being of comic bent my response was, “Wow, I didn’t realize he was missing! Have you called all the local area hospitals?”

Another time I kept having the same proselytizers’ ring my doorbell at least once a week for several months. Finally I had enough of this. The last time they came to my door…I answered it naked. Boy you should have seen them scamper off my porch in a hurry. “Hey, this is how God made, come back!”

Maybe my wife is right, good thing I left the comedy scene, huh?

I find it maddening when therapists and counselors believe that their method(s) are the only ones that a client or patient can benefit from; instead of individualizing treatment choices to meet their needs. Or, when a ‘Super’ counselor/therapist spends the whole session telling the patient/client what ‘worked’ for them. Good going, now you have set-up an ‘expectation within them that they have to do it your way. What happens if they can’t do it your way? Oh well, they have to keep trying I guess (Maybe you should be listening to “their” story, not telling yours).

These are a few of my maddening things (gosh, sounds like a line from a Julie Andrew’s song in the “Sound of Music” does it not? (Ah, for those of you old enough to remember the movie, lol).

So, I am just spouting off here and not being a part of the solution on these things I find maddening? No, I lecture, I teach, I advocate for change, I belong to organizations that foster change. That is what I do.

Oh, before I forget…

“Have A Nice Day!!!”

Peace, Out…for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll try calling the local area hospitals now in hopes of finding Jesus - ill let ya know if I find him. Lol
Next time you should tell us how your really feeling ya know "don't hold back"
Another fantastic post on my really Nice day!